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Misterios Luminosos: The Luminous Mysteries Spanish version MP3 [Download]
Misterios Luminosos: The Luminous Mysteries Spanish version MP3 [Download]
The Rosary is, as Pope John Paul II said, the Gospel message in its entirety. And, the Rosary is the best way to teach children the Gospel. What other opportunity do we have in which children can learn about the life of Jesus and Scripture, while praying a devotion recommended by Saints and Popes throughout the ages? But many, including myself, could never get past all the repeating of words to the meditation. With this Scriptural Rosary CD we taught our children to understand and meditate on the Rosary - not just say the words.
The Luminous Mysteries
The second of the 4-volume set of the Mysteries of the Rosary includes an introduction explaining a common misunderstanding about the Rosary and how to better pray it, followed by a Scriptural Rosary, including more than a dozen children. Each mystery is introduced by an explanation of "what happened in the mystery." Then, before each "Hail Mary," a child reads a verse from the Scriptural revelation of the mystery.
(approx 41 minutes)